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  讲座信息:The disputes in the South China Sea from a European Perspective       ★★★ 【字体:
讲座信息:The disputes in the South China Sea from a European Perspective
作者: zxx      文章来源:本站原创     点击数:    更新时间:2012-10-30    





主讲人:Stein Tonnesson教授


主讲人简介:Presenter: Dr Stein Tonnesson, Senior Researcher, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Norway, and Leader of East Asian Peace program, Uppsala University, Sweden. 

斯坦恩唐里森教授是挪威奥斯陆和平研究所的高级研究员,也是瑞典乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala University)东亚和平研究项目负责人。


讲座内容摘要:Abstract: The most important European interests in the South China Sea are of a global nature. They may be defined as follows: a) Peace and stability should be upheld between the surrounding countries, b) A regime of maritime governance should be agreed upon among the surrounding countries that makes it possible to manage living and non-living resources in an environmentally responsible way, c) The delimitation of maritime zones (territorial sea, contiguous zone, continental shelf and Exclusive Economic Zones) should be made on the basis of the relevant provisions of the Law of the Sea Convention and customary international law. In addition Europeans will be keen to see that the freedom of navigation continues to be guaranteed. European countries are unlikely to state any opinion on the disputes over sovereignty to the many rocks, banks, shoals or islets in the South China Sea , but would no doubt look positively upon any shared initiative from the claimant states to resolve these disputes through negotiations or third party mediation, arbitration or adjudication. On the basis of this European perspective it will be argued in the presentation that the three most important disputes in the South China Sea (over military navigation in EEZs; sovereignty to islets; and maritime delimitation) may mostly be dealt with in isolation from each other so as to facilitate conflict resolution. It will furthermore be argued that it is in the interest of all countries concerned to initiate a long-term process of bilateral and multilateral talks aiming for a fully delimitated South China Sea, perhaps with a special regional regime for the waters immediately surrounding each of the atolls in the Spratly area.

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